A networking organization for LGBTQ Faculty, Staff & Graduate Students at the University of Arizona.
Mission Statement:
OUTReach is the University of Arizona organization formed by LGBTQ faculty, staff, graduate students and our supporters. The goal of OUTReach is to achieve a campus climate which fosters the careers of LGBTQ faculty and academic professionals and the education of LGBTQ students. Our group strives, at all times, to be inclusive and professional with respect to sexual orientation, gender expression and gender identity. It has a listserv to facilitate communication among members.
E-mail: OUT@list.arizona.edu
Specific objectives of the organization include:
- Providing a visible presence and official voice for LGBTQ employees and graduate students on campus.
- Providing a point of contact for education and available campus and community LGBTQ resources.
- Lobbying the state legislature, Board of Regents and the University administration for the rights of LGBTQ people on campus; these rights include equal pay and benefits, equal opportunity, and just treatment.
- Fostering an interdisciplinary community among LGBTQ employees by promoting discussions and interactions on topics that impact LGBTQ faculty, academic professionals and students.
- Providing opportunities for members to discuss professional and personal experiences in order to create a realistic picture of academic life, develop strategies for advancement, and keep current on the status of LGBTQ people at the University of Arizona.
- Mentoring and supporting other LGBTQ student groups on campus.