Pride Alliance

Pride Alliance is a year-long internship and a collaborative program with the LGBTQ+2S Resource Center and ASUA that strives to maintain a supportive social and academic environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit, intersex, asexual & aromantic students at the University of Arizona. Interns take a class in the fall that encourages discussion on all things LGBTQ+2S liberation, particularly through the lens of queer and trans self-determination. Interns also plan and facilitate programming that focuses on identity, social justice, organizing and activism. Pride Alliance plans an annual second chance prom that happens in the spring semester! We are located in the LGBTQ+2S Resource Center, room 404 on the 4th floor of the Student Union. Applications for Pride Alliance are open in the summer for the following fall semester. Follow us on Instagram (@pridealliance_uaz) or join our listserv for updates on events, meetings, and news on campus!
To join the listserv: https://forms.gle/62eoqWD5WFoomE9YA

QTPOC+2S Discussion Group
Exclusive for QTPOC+2spirit folks only!
A biweekly healing-based discussion group for queer, trans, two-spirit people of color to connect, share experiences, and support each other. Our events are always free and provide a confidential, safe space to rest in community.
- Meeting Info: Mondays @ 5pm
- Contact Info:
- Instagram: @qtpoc_ua
- Email: uaqtpoc2s@gmail.com
- Linktree: https://linktr.ee/qtpoc2s_ua

Delta Lambda Phi Omega Chapter

Email: omega.chapter@dlp.org
Delta Lambda Phi is a national social fraternity for gay, bisexual, and progressive gentlemen. As a progressive social fraternity, its purpose is to (1) promote dignified and purposeful social service, and recreational activities for progressive men, (2) to lead in determining the rights and privileges of individuals in society, and (3) to present a strong and positive image which respects diversity of all individuals, irrespective of sexual orientation.

Gamma Rho Lambda Phi Chapter
Email: phi@gammarholambda.org
Gamma Rho Lambda is an all-inclusive national social sorority for LGBTQ+ students and allies. Membership in Gamma Rho Lambda is open to all students regardless of sexuality or gender identity. Gamma Rho Lambda strives to exemplify the qualities of tolerance, diversity, unity, and trust, while providing a network of assistance in the areas of scholastic guidance, emotional support and community service.

Trans Wildcat Alliance
Only for Trans, Non-Binary, Gender Non-Conforming, Genderqueer, Two Spirit and Questioning Individuals
Our group is a community that does activities and has discussions around Queer & Trans life. We are dedicated to having a safe space where people can learn about the queer and trans experience, themselves, and how to be a great ally. This group is open to any trans, non-binary, gender non-conforming, genderqueer, Two Spirit and questioning Individuals.

Email: UAoSTEM@gmail.com(link sends e-mail)
oSTEM (Out in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is an organization that facilitates greater involvement and leadership of the LGBT*QQIAAP community in the sciences. Specifically, the organization's mission is to (1) educate, empower, and engage a diverse community (2) identify, address, and advocate for the needs of queer students in the STEM fields and (3) fulfill these needs through reciprocal mentorships, networking, and professional development opportunities. You can find more information at www.ostem.org or find the University of Arizona group on facebook!
Link to our instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uaostem
Link to our discord (set to never expire): https://discord.gg/pa98eYp8yE

Email: arospaceua@gmail.com(link sends e-mail)
AROspACE is a social discussion group for folks who identify on the asexual and/or aromantic spectrum. AROspACE meets Wednesday biweekly.
Meet biweekly on Mondays from 5:30-6:30 pm at the LGBTQ+ Resource Center.
First meeting of Spring 2023 semester is on January 30

MedPride-Gay/Straight Medical Student Alliance

MedPride promotes awareness of and sensitivity to LGBTQ issues in healthcare, including topics that affect LGBTQ patients, medical students, residents, physicians and their allies.

Pride Law
Email: pridelawarizona@gmail.com(link sends e-mail)
Pride Law is an educational, political, and social organization for LGBTQ+ law students, as well as their supporters and friends. Throughout the year, Pride Law sponsors activities, panels, social events, service projects, and political actions to build community and intersectional alliances that provide lasting support to queer students and graduates of the Law School.

Graduate Students of Color
Email: gscc.ua@gmail.com(link sends e-mail)
The members of the Graduate Students of Color Collective at the University of Arizona, established to build and sustain a supportive community for graduate students of color that contributes to their academic development, social growth, and well-being. The Graduate Students of Color Collective, do ordain and establish this constitution and bylaws and subscribe to the regulations and policies of the University.

Email: uofaellersoi@gmail.com(link sends e-mail)
SOI is a safe space for LGBTQIA students in the Eller College of Management that gives students a place to be themselves and bring about change in the college’s traditional culture.