Welcome to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning Affairs

The Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning (LGBTQ) Affairs works to build, sustain, and strengthen a safe, inclusive, and open environment for students, faculty, staff, appointed professionals, alumni, parents, and guests of all gender and sexual identities. The LGBTQ+2S RC focuses on building an anti-colonial, anti-racist space and shaping programs that center the most oppressed, working to meet their physical, educational and emotional needs. This is done through programs, trainings, events, and the LGBTQ+ Resource Center in the Student Union.

Contact Us

The LGBTQ+2S Resource Center is located on the fourth floor of the Student Union, in room 404. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us at ualgbtq@gmail.com.  

Call us at (520) 621 - 7585.

Follow us on Instagram to stay up to date with us! @ua_lgbtq

What's going on at the Center?

Click here for a full list of ongoing events

The background of the graphic is a black crumpled piece of paper. In the top left and right corner are the LGBTQ+ Institute and LGBTQ+2S Resource Center logos. Above the event title is an image of a paper doll chain with a purple heart. The title reads: We Protect Us: Direct Action - Safety Workshop with Rae Strazzo. Next to the title is an image of Rae Strozzo (a white transmasculine nonbinary person with brown hair, facial hair, and black glasses wearing an orange shirt and a colorful kuffiyeh)
Dark blue background decorated with yellow stars and a humorous illustration of a brawl with fists, hands, and stars popping out of a cloud. Title: we protect us: self defense basics for LGBTQ+2S Communities. Full text written in post.

Highlighted Events & Info

"We Protect Us" Series

Introducing our series, We Protect Us!! We look forward to learning with you all semester long! Food provided!

Topics include:

  • Navigating gender-affirming healthcare
  • Self defense
  • Reproductive rights
  • Renters rights
  • Disability self-advocacy
  • Immigrant rights

Questions? Email ualgbtq@gmail.com 

Upcoming Events